Principal model of formation and promotion of a gastronomic brand (on the example of far Eastern cuisine)

  • Gomilevskaya G.A.

    G. A. Gomilevskaya. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Ден Валерия Гихоевна

    V.G. Den. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Vladivostok. Russia


The article studies the theoretical foundations of the gastronomic tourism formation and development. The gastronomic component of travel is considered as an independent unit with the potential to increase the attractiveness of tourist destinations. It was determined that the
gastronomic component should have unique features: authenticity, local production of products, dishes made from ingredients exclusively characteristic of the region. The purpose of the work ¬ based on the analysis of modern approaches to the study of gastronomic tourism to of-
fer  a  fundamental  model  for  the  development  of  gastronomic  tourism.  The  subject  of  the study is gastronomic tourism as a factor in the attractiveness of the tourist region. The methodological basis of the work is the branding and positioning of gastronomic tourism at the re-
gional level, the methods of system analysis, formalization, classification, sociological survey, modeling, tourist and recreational design are used in the work. The article presents the classification of types of gastronomic tourism finalized by the author, gives a more precise definition
of gastronomic tourism. The work gives a characteristic of a new type of Far Eastern regional cuisine, contributing to the formation of a brand of the territory. Based on a comprehensive study, the authors proposed the development of the conceptual foundation of the Far Eastern
cuisine, identified the need to create information centers with the inclusion of basic structures, and  developed  a  fundamental  model  for  the  formation  and  promotion  of  a  gastronomic brand. Because the work emphasizes the importance of maintaining sustainable development
of gastronomic tourism, the authors developed a culinary tour of the Primorsky region.
Keywords: gastronomic tourism, culinary tourism, Far Eastern cuisine, gastronomic center,
tourism development concept, regional cuisine, gastronomic tourism classification.